
Posted By: Stacey Vega

What does your role at Connolly entail?

As a project accountant specialist, I am responsible for bridging the gap between construction operations and accounting by tracking the overall project finances and budget from the start of each project to its completion, which is followed by an internal final review with Connolly's executive team. As project finance support, my role also requires that I build and maintain a strong knowledge base of not only financial reporting but also the aspects of construction work and what goes into a collaborative and successful build.

What do you like most about what you do?

Even though there are foundational procedures to each project, I love that no two projects are the exact same. I also love details and gathering knowledge for those details. We can all go through the motions but the knowledge of "why" helps us to expand and share our knowledge. Collaboration is key, but I do enjoy working on in-depth projects. The challenge during a project may not be enjoyable in the moment but I thrive on the push to get through and the empowering feeling at the end of the process of what was completed.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I'm all about travel, adventure, and family. We are always ready to pack a bag and go. It's funny, we always say we went on vacation. Recently, my daughter's friend made a comment that we do not vacation, we travel. I never really thought there was a difference. As I think more about it, I guess for us there is. We are not ones to sit and relax beyond maybe drinking coffee or enjoying a sunset while settling in for the night. While we do not plan out each moment of a trip, we are constantly on the go jumping from adventure to adventure, like hiking, touring museums, attending shows, cliff jumping, ziplining, and skydiving. Some countries that I have visited are France, Spain, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Mexico, and Ireland. I'm not sure that there is any place or experience off the table.

What advice would you give to someone interested in your type of role? What have been some of the most important lessons that you have learned throughout your career?

My advice and important lesson would be one in the same. I think that it's important to be able to take every available opportunity to learn from everything around you, and cross over from not only surrounding departments but all levels and departments that make up a company. It's important to get involved in anything and everything – even if it is something outside of your individual role. Asking yourself what the obstacles are in each department provides you with an opportunity to appreciate what each person does and how they are able to execute their work successfully. You can learn so much from every single person. This not only allows you to understand your role but how your role impacts others and departments. This helps one's growth and knowledge but also others, along with a full respect for each team player and the overall company. A great motto is to "be a sponge."